Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Tree BranchTriptych
This is my latest project - simple oil/latex painting
If you'd like to create similar painting this is the list of materials I used:
BEHR "Mushroom Bisque" latex paint for the wall
and 3 canvas 24" x 48"
Background colors:
"Crumb Cookie" Olympic latex (or you can use any white paint)
"Caruso" Olympic latex (or any light beige you've
"Cellini Gold" BEHR latex (or pale yellow)
"Mushroom Bisque" BEHR latex (the same paint that
I used for the wall)
2" flat brush
For the background you can try your own combination of
colors. Lowes and Home Depot have a nice selection of sample colors in small
containers. Try to keep your background light and muted so the branch stands
Van Dyke brown - I used Bob Ross oil paint but you can use
any dark brown paint
Midnight Black - Bob Ross oil paint but again you can use
any black for brunch shady parts
"Cellini Gold" BEHR latex for highlights
Paint thinner