
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Watercolor Pocket Set Review

Watercolor pocket sets are great for quick outdoor sketches. There is a big variety of sets like this in the stores. Usually I have a big dilemma, should I buy something expensive from the brand name company or should I buy something cheap made in China.  This time I had a really good coupons to AC Moore and I was able to buy 2 sets to do the comparison: Winsor&Newton and Reeves.


Box quality
Brush quality
Pigment intensity

Windsor&Newon is a really cute set, the box is super small and handy. The brush has excellent bristles with point. The Reeves’ box is larger but still fits in my purse. I don’t like Reeves’ brush at all, it is too soft and it is not pointy enough.
The biggest surprise are pigments. Both companies have comparable color strength and tone. You can see it on my sample color test.
To conclude Windsor&Newton’s watercolor set is a great choice when it comes to overall quality. On the other hand Reeves is great when you want to save some money. You can create great watercolor paintings no meter which set you choose. Although you definitely need a better brush for the Reeves set.

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